Trademark Watch Service

Trademark Watching service is an essential part of an effective trademark maintenance and enforcement program. ACCOLADE trademark watch service is designed to alert subscribers to potentially conflicting trademarks which are identical or confusingly similar and is given an opportunity to prevent or cancel said registration throughout the world.

PURE WORD OR LOGO TRADEMARK WATCH - Below are the types of Trademark watching service that we provide:

Classes / Jurisdictions


Extra Jurisdiction (NTD$/Year)


 1 Class 14,000 10,000 36,000
 2 Classes 16,000 10,000 38,000
 3 Classes 18,000 10,000 40,000
All Classes 20,000 10,000 42,000

COMBINED WORD AND LOGO TRADEMARK WATCH - Below are the types of Trademark watching service that we provide:

Classes / Jurisdictions


Extra Jurisdiction (NTD$/Year)


 1 Class 28,000 20,000 72,000
 2 Classes 32,000 20,000 76,000
 3 Classes 36,000 20,000 80,000
All Classes 40,000 20,000 84,000

*Deliver Monthly Trademark monitoring reports

ACCOLADE provides customized and effective trademark watch strategies for protecting your brands at reasonable prices. Your trademarks are your reputation and your source of revenue. ACCOLADE has developed proven methods to allow you to safeguard the goodwill you have developed in the marketplace through your intangible assets.

Significant advantages of this service include: Timely reports

-We deliver timely and accurate reports which provide you with all of the necessary data and tools to act against the potentially objectionable reported marks.

Professional vetting services

-We review the automated results to ensure that you receive the results which will be relevant to your protected brands.

Multi-language supported

-Whether in Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese or Japanese, coverage includes translations and transliterations of non-Latin character marks and the associated goods and services.

Cost effective

-We do not charge by the classes watched

*It is an estimated cost only and the charge is subject to actual cost which may vary due to unforeseen circumstances like fluctuation of currency and increase or decrease of tariffs, procedures and works.