Industrial Design Registration for Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Design
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the field of computer science that focuses on developing intelligent systems that capable of performing tasks typically require human intelligence. AI technologies have found their application in almost every business sector improving enterprise performance and productivity by automating processes or tasks such as data entry, customer services, processing large amount of data, etc.
Meanwhile, industrial design is a form of intellectual property that protects the aesthetics of a product. It may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional products which include handicrafts, jewellery, appliances, vehicles, and graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
As such, user interfaces, icons, or avatars used in artificial intelligence programs can be registered under industrial design protection, them having the two-dimensional property and showing the visual appeal of the product.
Different countries have differing rules and regulations to registering GUIs. Some of which are, as follows:
US: The two-dimensional computer-generated icon can be registered as design patent if they are shown in a hardware configuration such as a monitor. Animated and dynamic GUIs are registrable.
China: GUIs can be filed without the hardware configuration. It is only required that the name of the product or hardware be indicated in the title of the application.
Australia: GUIs are not registrable without the hardware configuration.
EU: GUIs are protected under the Community Design Regulation.
Japan: GUIs are registrable without the hardware configuration.
If you have specific countries that you are interested in filing a design protection for your GUI, please let us know.
Locarno Classification
GUIs fall under Locarno classification 14-04: Screen Displays & Icons
同時,工業設計是一種保護產品美觀的知識產權形式。它可以是平面或立體產品,包括手工藝品、珠寶、電器、車輛和圖形使用者介面 (GUI)。
不同國家對於註冊 GUI 有不同的規則和規定。 其中一些如下:
美國: 電腦產生的二維圖示如果顯示在顯示器等硬件配置中,可以註冊為外觀設計專利。 動畫和動態 GUI 也可註冊。
中國: GUI無需硬件配置即可申請註冊,只需在申請標題中註明產品或硬件的名稱即可。
澳洲:如果沒有硬件配置,則無法註冊 GUI。
歐盟:GUI 受共同件外觀設計法規的保護。
日本:GUI 無需硬件配置即可註冊。
如果您有興趣為您的 GUI 申請外觀設計保護,歡迎聯絡我們。
GUI 屬於洛迦諾分類 14-04:螢幕顯示與圖像
1. Neusoft Corporation (Publication No.: CN308499485S)
東軟集團 (公佈編號: CN308499485S)

2. Hyundai Motor Company / Kia Motors Corp (Publication No.: CN306729519S)
現代汽車/起亞汽車(公佈編號: CN306729519S)

Jurisdiction 司法區 |
First Design |
Per Additional Design |
Processing Time |
Maximum Validity |
Renewal Frequency |
Hong Kong |
4,300 |
4,080 |
1-3 |
25 |
Every 5 years |
China |
19,320 |
8,590 |
6 |
15 |
Annually |
Singapore 新加坡 |
12,880 |
10,730 |
1-2 |
15 |
Every 5 years |
Philippines 菲律宾 |
21,030 |
NA |
6 |
15 |
Every 5 years |
European Union (EU) 歐盟 |
37,770 |
12,020 |
1-2 |
25 |
Every 5 years |
United Kingdom (UK) 英國 |
27,900 |
10,730 |
1-2 |
25 |
Every 5 years |
Special Offer 特別優惠 |
EU + UK 歐盟+英國 |
52,790 |
17,170 |
1-2 |
25 |
Every 5 years |
USA (Small Entity) 美國 (小實體) |
67,380 |
NA |
18-24 |
15 |
Not required |
South Korea 南韓 |
33,480 |
NA |
6 |
20 |
Annually |
Japan 日本 |
45,070 |
NA |
6 |
20 |
Annually |