Integrated Registration vs Separation Registration

Trademark Registration







Integrated Type
- 1 trademark application by putting logo,
English and Chinese characters together.
Yes No No No No NTD$8,000
Separation Between Words & Logo
- 2 trademark applications for each of the
logo and text part.
No Yes No No Yes NTD$14,400
Independent Element Type
- 3 trademark applications for each of the
Logo, English and Chinese characters.
No Yes Yes Yes No NTD$19,200
Mixed Type
- 4 trademark applications in parallel
with the above three methods.
Yes Yes Yes Yes No NTD$22,400

Trademark & Copyright Registration NTD$19,200

- LOGO designs may be protected simultaneously under trademark law and copyright law.

- Device designs are better protected because they may also be protected on goods not registered for.

- Prevents infringement upon your trademark.

*Terms of Service : price includes only one trademark which contains a registration application for one class, and a copyright registration for an artwork.

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Trademark Registration and Retrial NTD$23,200

Application Rejected by Trademark Office?

RETRIAL in trademark rejection is the solution!

Effectiveness of Retrial:

- Only one appeal opportunity during the administrative stage.

- Authorized by a more professional and objective trademark review committee.

- Plenty of time to prepare evidence.

*Terms of Services: The price includes only one trademark which containing a registration application for a category.

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Trademark Registration and Three Year Non Use Cancellation Original price NTD 23,200->Discounted price NTD 21,000

Article 49 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China states that "a registered trademark ... without any reasonable reason for not being used for three consecutive years, any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for revoking the registered trademark".

- In light of the massive amount of trademark registration and the rise of malicious cyber squatting behavior in Mainland China, the use of cancellation is efficient to tackle the application barriers.

- Less costly compared to assignments, transfer and negotiation coexistence.

*Terms of Service : price includes only one trademark which containing a registration application for one class.

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Trademark Parallel Strategies for Reexamination, Withdrawal, and new applications Original Price NTD$42,400⭢Offers Discounted Price NTD 38,000

The applicant's application for a trademark is rejected and may adopt a parallel strategy of reexamination, withdrawal and registration at the same time.

The role of review:

The reexamination shall be reexamined by the Trademark Examination Committee and the final examination result shall be finalized.

-Different from the examination standards of the China Trademark Office

-Trademark examiners are more inclined to evaluate the trademark as a whole, and judge the examination criteria more comprehensively

The role of Withdrawal three:

-Based on the results of the examination, the applicant may apply for cancellation of the cited trademark that has not been used by a third party for three consecutive years without a valid reason.

Terms of service:

The price only includes applications for registration of one trademark and one category.

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Trademark Protection: China Custom Recordal NTD$19,200

Customs Recordal is a scheme helps for a party to record its own intellectual property right for example a registered trademark, a patent, a copyright at the local customs. The local customs will then monitor the import and export of the protected goods after the trademark or patent has been registered and approved application apply from owners.

Benefits of China Custom Filing:

- The prerequisite for Customs to take active measures for protection.

- To prevent possible future infringement behaviors.

Time Limit:

1. 10 years, less than 10 years in accordance with the remaining validity of the intellectual property rights.

2. Renewable. Apply six months before the date of validity, within 15 days of approval.

Which intellectual property rights can apply to the General Administration of Customs?

1. Trademarks approved by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (except for service marks);

2. An international registered trademark (except for service marks) registered and extended to China by the World Intellectual Property Organization;

3. The invention, design and utility model patents granted by the State Intellectual Property Office (including the original China Patent Office)

4. The copyright and copyright-related rights of citizens or organizations of the Member States of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

*Terms of Service : price includes only one kind of intellectual property rights filling records.

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*It is an estimated cost only and the charge is subject to actual cost which may vary due to unforeseen circumstances like fluctuation of currency and increase or decrease of tariffs, procedures and works.