Filing your United State of America (USA) Trademark Application with Accolade IP for Amazon Sellers

ACCOLADE IP stands as a dedicated Intellectual Property service provider, extending exclusive discounted rates tailored specifically for Amazon sellers.

From USD 694 for 1 Class


US Trademark Registration Fee for 1 Class of Service/Good

@ USD 625 (special rate for Amazon sellers)

Who among you is interested in registering your brand on

It is crucial to have your brand registered with the USPTO.
However, if you haven't completed the registration process yet, having a pending application in the USPTO will also suffice for Amazon's brand registry.

Here, we present a selection of our clients’ trademarks that have been successfully registered within the Amazon Brand Registry. It's important to note that while several of these marks have completed the registration process, others are presently pending approval in the USPTO and have yet to be fully registered.


1. To initiate a comprehensive preliminary search and ensure accurate assessment for your trademark application in the United States, we kindly request the following documentation from you:

  • A copy of your Logo in digital format
  • An electronic copy of your Certificate of Registration in your country of origin, if applicable
  • Website, social media sites, and marketing materials
  • Please be aware that we will perform thorough due diligence using the above requirements. In addition to manual searches, we employ cutting-edge AI-powered software that aids us in assessing the registrability of your mark.

    2. Following our comprehensive due diligence, we will proceed to determine the most suitable application basis to utilize for your trademark registration. You may see the following:

  • 1A - Actual Use 1B - Intent-to-Use
  • 44D - Foreign App.
  • 44E - Foreign Registration
  • Actual Use

  • Proof of use in the United States is required for this basis.
  • Examiners may ask for additional information or documentation if there is uncertainty or if the specimen appears to be a mock-up.
  • The application form needs to include the first date of use in the United States and any other location.
  • Foreign Application

  • If you have filed the same trademark application for the same goods/services in your country of origin, you can select Section 44d as your filing basis.
  • You have a grace period of six months to do so. However, after this six-month period, you can no longer choose Section 44d as a filing basis.
  • It is important to ensure that your trademark application in the United States closely matches the application filed in your country of origin. The details and specifications provided should be highly similar.
  • Intent-to-Use

  • The Section 1b basis has a longer process compared to the other bases due to the inclusion of a "Notice of Allowance" stage.
  • This stage requires an additional official fee and the submission of specimens.
  • It is also not advisable to pursue registration on the Supplemental Registry if your mark is deemed merely descriptive, as it is not eligible for Amazon Brand Registry. Additionally, please note that Section 1b is not suitable for Supplemental registration.
  • Foreign Registration

  • If you have a certificate of registration for your mark in your country of origin, you can use it as a basis to submit a US application under Section 44e. Just make sure that your certificate of registration closely matches your US application to meet the acceptance criteria.
  • Specimens are not required at the filing stage for Section 44e. They may be requested during the maintenance period.