Patent Registration and Design Patent Registration

What is Patent Registration?

A Patent Registration protects an invention (i.e. a solution to a technical problem) which may relate to a product or process. 

Patent Registration owner can take legal action to prevent any person from using the patented invention in the relating jurisdiction without permission, and also seek relief, such as an injunction and an order for damages, against the infringer.

Kindly note that disclosure of a patent before filing an application may destroy its novelty. Therefore, to obtain a valid Patent Registration, the patent owner should apply for Patent Registration before marketing the product or within 12 months from the filing date of the first application.

A patent for an innovation is allowed by government to the creator, giving the innovator the privilege to stop others, for a restricted period, from making, utilizing or selling the development without their authorization.

At the point when patent assurance is conceded the innovation turns into the property of the designer, which like some other type of property or business resource can be purchased, sold, leased or enlisted. Licenses are regional rights: UK licenses will just give the holder rights in the UK and rights to prevent others from bringing the protected items into the UK.

Philippines Patent Registration

Be new - never been made open in any capacity, anyplace on the planet, before the date on which the application for a patent is recorded.

Include a creative advance - if when contrasted and what is known, it would not be clear to somebody with great learning and experience of the subject.

Be equipped for mechanical application - a development must be fit for being made or utilized in some sort of industry. This implies the development must take the useful type of a contraption or gadget, an item, for example, some new material or a mechanical procedure or technique for task.

For Patent Registration, an innovation isn't patentable in the event that it is:

A revelation

A logical hypothesis or numerical strategy

A tasteful creation, abstract, emotional or aesthetic work

A plan or strategy for playing out a psychological demonstration, playing a diversion or working together

The introduction of data or a PC program

In the event that the creation includes more than these theoretical angles with the goal that it has physical highlights, (for example, unique device to play another diversion) at that point it might be patentable.

Likewise, it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to get a patent for plant assortment, a technique for treatment of the human or creature body by medical procedure or treatment or a strategy for determination.

What is Design Patent Registration

Design Patent Registration under the Registered Designs Ordinance (Cap. 522) protect the visible features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to an article, by any industrial process, which appeal to the eye. Design Patent Registration do not protect the functionality or operation of products. Protection for the way in which a product works may be available under patent law. Registering a design is particularly important where you have a product that has a physical appearance or shape that makes it appealing or otherwise contributes to a buyer’s desire or preference for the product. Registering a design can also be important when a product’s shape or appearance contributes to its branding. Design Patent Registration ensures that a competitor cannot “free-ride” on your design by having a competing product that has the same or not substantially different shape or appearance. If a competitor did so, the competitor would be infringing your registered design. As a Design Patent Registration owner, you can bring civil proceedings for infringement.

In view of regular designs in patent details since the late 1970's, before this they were probably going to come up short on a first page and inquiry report.

First page - utilized similarly a book will have a cover sheet, a patent will have a first page which gives helpful bibliographical subtleties. It utilizes two letter nation codes and INID codes to distinguish snippets of data.

A dynamic - (accumulated by the candidate) and might be a delineation. This design is ending up progressively institutionalized however the data given can change from nation to nation.

Design Patent Registration must meet the following requirements:

1. be new, that is, not be the same as, nor only differs in immaterial features from, a design registered or published or disclosed in respect of the same or any other article, in Philippines or elsewhere in the world; 2. appeal to and be judged by the eye; 3. be applied to a product by any industrial process. You need to keep your design confidential at all times until you file an application to register it because disclosure of a design before filing an application may destroy its novelty.

Philippines Patent Registration

Opening explanation - as a rule expresses the issue.

Foundation data - US licenses are probably going to have a talk of the 'cutting edge' with references to key licenses, books or diary articles. Issue - the idea of the issue is plot.

Depiction of the development - Explains the innovative advance and how it functions.

Cases - the numbered cases spread the lawful parts of the imposing business model, with the first being the fundamental case and the later reliant cases alluding back to prior cases in depicting what's going on about the innovation. In a distributed application the cases are just an endeavor to get assurance while the allowed patent has the cases that are perceived in law.

Outlines - the same number of as required demonstrating the development.

Pursuit report - ordinarily on the front or last page. At the very least this comprises of a rundown of licenses or different archives proposing that some in any event of the development isn't new. Increasingly definite pursuit 3 reports would show which asserts in the application were influenced, the sort of significance and the careful page and line numbers thought to be pertinent in the refered to archive. Pursuit reports can be important when attempting to evaluate if the creation is genuinely new. There has been institutionalization in characterization. About all nations currently utilize the International Patent Classification, IPC.

INID codes - these are numbers used to distinguish bibliographic components in patent particulars, typically on the front pages. They are just now and then given in numerical request and are nicknamed 'INID codes' after universally concurred numbers for the distinguishing proof of bibliographic information.

Patent Registration Philippines - What rights does a patent give?

A patent gives the privilege to prevent others from utilizing your innovations. On the other hand you can give others a chance to utilize it under concurred terms. A patent additionally conveys the privilege to make legitimate move against other people who may encroach and to guarantee harms. A designer isn't required to get a patent so as to try a creation, yet once the development is made open, there will be no assurance against others utilizing the innovation and you would be unfit to get a patent. The Intellectual Property Office does not guarantee that others don't duplicate a licensed creation. It is dependent upon the proprietor to make any important move to guarantee a thought isn't encroached. Once 'Allowed' or in the open area any thoughts may not be reregistered.


Any development ought to be kept secret until it is documented at The UK Intellectual Property Office. A secrecy understanding ought to be marked before any subtleties or portrayal is revealed. This does not have any significant bearing to patent lawyers or other expert counsels or staff helping an individual from people in general. This is consequently a circumstance of certainty.

Benefits of registration of a patent

A patent system protects your patented invention by deterring others from “free-riding” on your innovation, whether by means of copying or reverse engineering your patented product/process without permission.  In essence, the grant of a patent confers on a patent owner the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using or otherwise commercially exploiting his patented invention in a territory where the patent has been granted.  This exclusive right entitles a patent owner to exploit the patent, such as through manufacturing and selling his patented products, in any territory where the patent is granted. 

Alternatively, a patent owner may elect to license any party whom he considers fit and proper for undertaking the exploitation, and still be able to profit from his patent by receiving royalties in return for granting the license.

Documents to be provided

1、A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate or anything of similar nature which shows the name and address of the applicant.
2、Presentations of your patent in terms of name, summary, specification and line drawings.
3、A priority document when priority is claimed. The document can be filed within 3 months after the filing date of the application.
4、Power of Attorney (POA) letter as required by some countries/regions.