China Trademark - Integrated Registration vs Separation Registration

Trademark Registration






Fee (USD)

Integrated Type
- 1 trademark application by putting logo,
English and Chinese characters together.
Yes No No No No USD 260
Separation Between Words & Logo
- 2 trademark applications for each of the
logo and text part.
No Yes No No Yes USD 460
Independent Element Type
- 3 trademark applications for each of the
Logo, English and Chinese characters.
No Yes Yes Yes No USD 610
Mixed Type
- 4 trademark applications in parallel
with the above three methods.
Yes Yes Yes Yes No USD 710

China Trademark & Copyright Registration USD 620

- LOGO designs may be protected simultaneously under trademark law and copyright law.

- Device designs are better protected because they may also be protected on goods not registered for.

- Prevents infringement upon your trademark.

*Terms of Service : price includes only one trademark which contains a registration application for one class, and a copyright registration for an artwork.

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China Trademark Registration and Retrial USD 750

Application Rejected by Trademark Office?

RETRIAL in trademark rejection is the solution!

Effectiveness of Retrial:

- Only one appeal opportunity during the administrative stage.

- Authorized by a more professional and objective trademark review committee.

- Plenty of time to prepare evidence.

*Terms of Services: The price includes only one trademark which containing a registration application for a category.

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China Trademark Registration and Three Year Non Use Cancellation USD 880

Article 49 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China states that "a registered trademark ... without any reasonable reason for not being used for three consecutive years, any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for revoking the registered trademark".

- In light of the massive amount of trademark registration and the rise of malicious cyber squatting behavior in Mainland China, the use of cancellation is efficient to tackle the application barriers.

- Less costly compared to assignments, transfer and negotiation coexistence.

*Terms of Service : price includes only one trademark which containing a registration application for one class.

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China Trademark Protection: China Custom Recordal USD 620

Customs Recordal is a scheme helps for a party to record its own intellectual property right for example a registered trademark, a patent, a copyright at the local customs. The local customs will then monitor the import and export of the protected goods after the trademark or patent has been registered and approved application apply from owners.

Benefits of China Custom Filing:

- The prerequisite for Customs to take active measures for protection.

- To prevent possible future infringement behaviors.

Time Limit:

1. 7 years, less than 7 years in accordance with the remaining validity of the intellectual property rights.

2. Renewable. Apply six months before the date of validity, within 15 days of approval.

Which intellectual property rights can apply to the General Administration of Customs?

1. Trademarks approved by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (except for service marks);

2. An international registered trademark (except for service marks) registered and extended to China by the World Intellectual Property Organization;

3. The invention, design and utility model patents granted by the State Intellectual Property Office (including the original China Patent Office)

4. The copyright and copyright-related rights of citizens or organizations of the Member States of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

*Terms of Service : price includes only one kind of intellectual property rights filling records.

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*It is an estimated cost only and the charge is subject to actual cost which may vary due to unforeseen circumstances like fluctuation of currency and increase or decrease of tariffs, procedures and works.

China Trademark

Register you Chinese trademark or lose it

The significance of China Trademark in China is frequently neglected by outsiders.

Many are ignorant about the way that China is a first-to-file nation, which essentially implies that the individual who do the China Trademark registration first, will get every one of the rights to disperse and sell the items.

There are numerous pitfalls you have to keep away from while enrolling a China Trademark registration, it's likewise significant that you think about the procedure while enlisting one.

China trademark - For what reason would it be a good idea for me to register in China?

Applying for a China trademark is an urgent and significant move that is regularly disregarded or neglected by exporters.

China is a "first-to-document" nation which implies that the individual who enrols a trademark for an item, will likewise have every single right to disseminate and sell his product.

Failing to register your china trademark in China. it’s practically not possible to do business in the long run.

China Trademark enlistment is regularly required by web based business locales and merchants

Not exclusively do numerous Chinese online business sites necessitate that you register your trademark abroad (and in China). On the off chance that you intend to sell by means of a neighbourhood wholesaler, they will demand you forthright to enrol your trademark, before any exchanging happens.

Since you can't permit your items to a wholesaler without having your trademark registered in China.

You ought to likewise be cautious with wholesalers who demand to enlist your trademark for you, may it be out of positive attitude, or not.

Worth noticing is that you won't have anything to state on the off chance that a Chinese individual chooses to sell your items, without your assent. How might you demonstrate that somebody has encroached on your image, when it's not in any case enlisted?

You can't guarantee something that can't be shown to be yours.

China Trademark squatting in China

In China, there's even a word called "trademark squatters" for people who effectively attempt to enrol trademarks to win cash, or to make things harder for you.

It very well may be everything from a contender who needs to diminish your odds of making benefits in China, to people who document various trademarks to sell these later.

Unfortunately, a few exporters essentially need to pay the charge a big amount to get "back" the trademark (likewise called dishonesty enlistments).

What other decision do you have, if the rest of the alternative is to get kicked out of the Chinese market?

Chinese trademark - What's the procedure for registering a trademark in China

When you apply to enlist for a trademark in China, you regularly need to experience the following issues:

a. As a matter of first importance, you have to check if the trademark is now enrolled or not (increasingly about how you can watch that later in this article)

b. Present the application structure and other significant archives. In China, SAIC (State Administration for Industry and Commerce) is capable to deal with the utilizations of trademarks.

c. SAIC audits the application and affirms whether you can continue or if complementaries are required.

d. SAIC begins a thoroughgoing procedure to enrol the trademark (regularly takes 1 year)

e. Supports and issues the trademark (takes commonly 2 months when the above procedure has wrapped up)

f. You get the authentication of endorsement (regularly takes 2 extra months)

Enrolling a trademark is nothing you do in a trice. It's a long procedure that ought to be begun well ahead of time.

To what extent time does it take for Chinese trademark registration?

The procedure can take everything from 12-16 months, contingent upon how smooth the enrollment procedure goes.

In any case, the Chinese government works effectively endeavouring to decrease the preparing time.

Chinese trademark - what amount does it cost to enroll a trademark in China?

As a matter of first importance, you for the most part need to pay two unique gatherings while enlisting a trademark:

a. Trademark check up expense: around USD 120

b. Enrollment charge of the trademark for 1 class and 10 sub-classifications: around USD 1000 (counting expenses for the administrations given by the legal advisor). Government charges land at around 100 USD, however these expenses are ordinarily incorporated into the total administration bundle gave from trademark organizations.

In case you're willing to take on the Chinese market, enlistment of a trademark shouldn't be viewed as something you can disregard, taking a chance with that your items can't be attractive in China.

Could remote organizations do Chinese trademark registratioon in China?

Luckily, my response to this inquiry is: Yes.

Actually, in case you're a non-inhabitant in China, or have an outside organization, you have to look for assistance from a trademark office.

The application is made through China's national enlistment framework, likewise called CTMO (progressively about CTMO later in this article).

For to what extent is my trademark enrollment substantial?

A national trademark enrollment and global trademark enlistment are both legitimate for a time of 10 years.

You have to apply for a reestablishment somewhere around a half year before termination, it will at that point be recharged for also 10 years.

Remember that in the event that you don't utilize the items for business purposes inside a timespan of 3 years, you may lose the trademark.

What occurs on the off chance that I don't recharge the trademark enrollment in time?

On the off chance that you don't reestablish your trademark enlistment in time, it will be dropped.

Make certain to reestablish the trademark enlistment well ahead of time.

What occurs on the off chance that I get would not utilize the trademark?

In case you're would not utilize the trademark for reasons unknown, your trademark office needs to contact TRAB (Trademark Review and Adjudication board) and present a resistance.

TRAB will deal with the resistance amid a timeframe of 9 a year.

Would i be able to utilize a remote trademark organization for my Chinese trademark registrqtion in China?

No, in case you're not an occupant in China or have a remote organization, you have to give a Chinese trademark office a chance to deal with the application for you.

While a universal enlistment necessitates that you make the application in English, French or Spanish, a national enrollment in China necessitates that the application is written in Chinese.

In what capacity would it be advisable for me to name my Chinese trademark?

It's significant that you pick a Chinese trademark that interprets well and sounds great.

Ralph Lauren is a brand which chosen to not enlist a Chinese trademark, which brought about that the Chinese open thought of a name themselves: San Jiao Ma, which truly signifies 'three legged steed'.

When it's out there, it's hard to change.

Altogether, you have two alternatives to pick among while picking a trademark in Chinese. In case you're fortunate, you may most likely utilize a mix of the two:

Chinese trademark - Phonetic interpretations

Phonetic interpretations implies that you form characters in a manner to make the Chinese name sound like the English name.

Some outside organizations are fortunate when thinking of phonetic names, as the name itself implies something positive in the Chinese language.


Chinese trademark - Strict interpretations

This essentially implies you pick a Chinese name that is comparing admirably to your English image in composed content, yet not when it's articulated, nor does it have a luxury meaning.

For instance, Microsoft is converted into Wei Ruan in China, which basically implies: Microsoft. Nonetheless, it doesn't convey any ascribes to the positive things about the organization, or have any similitudes with the articulation.

Another precedent is Apple, which is converted into Pingguo that signifies 'apple' in Chinese.

Numerous vehicle brands have phonetic interpretations. This incorporates Rolls Royce, deciphered as 'Lao Si Lai Si', and Ferrari that is interpreted as 'Fa La Li'.

Make certain to work with a local Chinese speaker who spends significant time in nearby advertising or PR. They can help you in the process to concoct a Chinese name that suits your image.

Are Hong Kong trademarks legitimate in Mainland China?

Regardless of whether the UK exchanged Hong Kong's sway to China in 1997, you can't utilize your Chinese trademark in Hong Kong.

The Chinese government claims Hong Kong's connection with China to be under a "one nation, two frameworks" structure, something that is material for the legitimate framework, likewise covering trademarks.

Is it true that US are or EU trademarks substantial in China?

EU-nations, China and United States are for the most part portions of the purported Madrid Protocol, secured by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

Be that as it may, trademarks enrolled universally under the Madrid Protocol, are not secured all around. Regardless of whether you have an enrolled trademark in Germany or France, doesn't mean you're secured in China.

You have to make a different (national) enlistment in China.

Trademark classes in China

Regardless of whether China and Europe utilize a similar enrollment frameworks for worldwide order of products and enterprises (secured under the Nice Agreement), China has one of a kind subclasses which aren't utilized in Europe.

It's significant that you affirm what classes (there are 45 of them) and subclasses that ought to be utilized for your particular items. To be completely secured, you can utilize subclasses that have little pertinence with your items too.

A significant point is that China has its very own guidelines to trademark law, primarily in light of the fact that the Chinese language contrasts with the characters and tones utilized.

Remember that:

a. The trademark ought to have uniqueness and be unmistakable. It shouldn't suggest on the capacity of the item, all as per the Trademark Law

b. The trademark ought to be syntactically right and compact

c. The trademark ought to be magnificent and not beating

How might I look for trademarks enlisted in China?

You can look for China enrolled trademarks on CTMO's (China Trademark Office) official site. Administrations you can use on the site are:

a. Scanning for comparable trademarks

b. Get far reaching data about various trademarks

c. The status of various applications

d. Open declarations

Final thoughts of Chinese trademark

Numerous exporters think minimal about the significance of enrolling their trademark in China. Truth be told, China is a first to document nation, which implies that on the off chance that you don't enroll your trademark in time, another person may, and most likely will, do it. In nations like Singapore, enrolling your trademark ought to be one of your first undertakings.

The procedure to enroll for a trademark takes around 16 two years, make sure to begin the procedure well ahead of time. In case you're not inhabitant in China, or have a remote organization, you're obliged to work with a neighborhood trademark operator who will assist you with registering the trademark.

The expense as a rule lands at more than USD 1000, yet is insignificant in contrast with the significance of enrolling your trademark.

On the off chance that you need to find out about how you can enlist your trademark in China, I prescribe you to peruse the total article.