IP Watch Service

Watching service is an essential part of an effective trademark maintenance and enforcement program. ACCOLADE trademark watch service is designed to alert subscribers to potentially conflicting trademarks which are identical or confusingly similar and is given an opportunity to prevent or cancel said registration throughout the world.

Cost for Trademark Watch:

No. of Mark




Per mark

185 jurisdictions All 45 classes PHP 45,800

*The prices shown above are general standard prices. The actual price may be adjusted based on fluctuations in exchange rates, increases in taxes, and additional procedural requirements.

*Deliver Monthly Trademark monitoring reports

ACCOLADE provides customized and effective trademark watch strategies for protecting your brands at reasonable prices. The branding of a company is one of the major intangible assets. A way to ensure and strengthen the branding of a company is to closely monitor the applications of new trademarks which are identical or confusingly similar.

The Benefits of Trademark Watch:

The early detection of similar or identical marks in pending applications. It serves as a tool to deter and prevent third parties from registering one’s trademarks. By identifying similar/identical marks, entrepreneurs are given an opportunity to oppose the said trademark applications.

Trademark Watch Report will include:

The details of similar or identical marks, i.e., the owner, jurisdiction, application number, designated goods/services, application date, and status.

The minimum period of Trademark Watch: it is an annual subscription service.