Industrial Design 工業外觀設計

Industrial Design / Design Patent

Design is a form of intellectual property protection that concerns itself with the aesthetics of a product. It is solely for the protection of how the product looks like and not how it functions.

These includes products such as lamps, phone cases, jewelleries, bottles, automobiles, and any other products that has a physical form, or a user interface for a software or application.

Some examples of designs:





Safeguards available to your designs

These designs can be protected by registering them in the country you want to sell your product, or you know where your product will be of great value.

Registered designs allow owners to prevent others from manufacturing, importing, using, selling or hiring the protected design product.

Registering your design will also turn it into an asset which you can license out or sell it to an interested buyer.

Protection of a design is a per country basis. If you have filed a registration in a country, for example, in US, it does not mean that your design is protected too in Japan.

Consider carefully where you want to register your design as fees are different for each country.







Disclaimer: The information presented herein does not and is not intended to constitute legal advice. All information provided is for general informational purposes only.

For more information, please contact our patent consultant. 如有查詢,請即聯絡我們的專利顧問。