Category Archives: News
ACCOLADE 14th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Dinner 2023-2024
ACCOLADE 14th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Dinner 2023-2024
卓遠14 週年慶典暨 2023-2024 年周年晚宴
Accolade IP: Leading in Trademark Registrations, Ranked the 1st in Hong Kong
Accolade IP: Leading in Trademark Registrations, Ranked the 1st in Hong Kong
For the trademark filing volume in 5 consecutive years, Accolade IP ranked the 1st in Hong Kong, 2nd in Singapore and top 3 in Macao, and we secured the top 20 in Taiwan monthly filing.
*Based on statistics from global trademark database from 2018-2023
BDA Excellence in Best Marketability Award 2023
BDA Excellence in Best Marketability Award
Ranked #1 in terms of trademark filing volume in Hong Kong for 4 consecutive years.
ACCOLADE 在知识产权界累积了丰富的经验,并成立了一支专业专家队伍,为全球商标、外观设计、专利及版权提供注册服务,赢得了本地及海外数千名客户的信任。
荣誉秉承”诚信”的核心价值,高度重视服务的高透明度。 它保证在24小时的周转时间内及时回复客户的查询,并为每个服务项目制定明确的收费计划,以消除任何隐藏的费用,帮助客户达到最佳的成本效益。