Today, we celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day! World Intellectual Property Day – April 26th

Today, we celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day! World Intellectual Property Day – April 26th

#WIPODay #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay

In the year 2000, the member states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) designated April 26th, the day when the WIPO Convention took effect in 1970, as World Intellectual Property Day. The objective was to enhance the general comprehension of intellectual property. Since its inception, World IP Day has served as an annual, exceptional platform for people worldwide to reflect on how intellectual property fuels the prosperity of music and the arts, as well as propels technological advancements that mold our world.

World IP Day 2024 – IP and the SDGs: Building our common future with innovation and creativity

World Intellectual Property Day 2024 offers a unique chance to delve into how intellectual property not only inspires but also multiplies the influence of the groundbreaking and imaginative solutions vital for shaping our shared future. To learn more about this celebration, you may explore

Happy World Intellectual Property Day!

Hong Kong IP E-filing (Update)

We successfully occupied the TOP FIVE  till now based on the volume.

按知識產權署的指定資訊系統由2018年1月1日至2018年11月30日所錄得的電子提交量,提交表格T2、 P4、 P6及 D1(已提交但即時撤回的電子申請則不在計算之內)並繳付訂明申請費用的最高電子提交量用戶的排名如下:

排名 機構 ╱ 公司
1. 中港知識產權有限公司
2. 中國專利代理(香港)有限公司
3. 的近律師行
4. 高露雲律師行
5. 卓遠知識產權有限公司
6. 麥仕奇
7. 香港集佳知識産權代理有限公司
8. 貝克 ‧ 麥堅時律師事務所
9. 誠通專利商標(香港)有限公司
10. 標準香港企業註冊服務有限公司
11. 匯誠國際顧問有限公司
12. 香港知識產權代理有限公司
13. Spruson & Ferguson (Hong Kong) Limited
14. 百睿知識產權有限公司
15. 永新專利商標代理有限公司
16. 孖士打律師行
17. 香港柳沈知識產權服務公司
18. 三友國際知識產權代理(香港)有限公司
19. 陳鄧郭律師行
20 陳韻雲律師行