For the trademark filing volume in 5 consecutive years, Accolade IP ranked the 1st in Hong Kong, 2nd in Singapore, top 3 in Macao, and we secured the top 20 in Taiwan monthly filing.
ACCOLADE IP is your confident choice for trademark registration!
Do you have any trademark, original work or invention that needs to be registered in Malaysia?
- Accolade IP provides Malaysia Trademark and Design Patent registration services.
- It is easy and affordable, there is no inconvenience and no need for many consultants.
- We also provide Intellectual Property registration services across the world covering over 185 regions.
Accolade Trademark Registration Limited Package
Greater China (China+HK+Macau+Taiwan) Singapore+China+EU +USA ASEAN Trademark Package
We offer value for money IP services without any hidden cost as you still enjoy the professional advice from our IP consultants working together with a team of legal consultant within our IP firm
We Value Highly on Integrity and Price Transparency
- The price listed include all of the costs required in RM$ which include all of the official fee, attorney fee, documentation fees and regular incidentals
- We offer value for money IP services without any hidden cost as you still enjoy the professional advice from our IP consultants working together with a team of legal consultant within our IP firm